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Invoice M243

 Invoice for Dora Feher Item Qty Unit Price Net Amount Consultation on 22/02/2024 at 16:00 with M A Khan   1     £260     £260.00     HVS   1 £80 £80.00 HPV test   1 £70 £70.00 …

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Invoice M244

Invoice Date: 23/02/2024                                                             Invoice No: M244


Item Qty Unit Price Net Amount
Follow up Consultation on 22/02/2024 at 18:30 with M A Khan











Laboratory test ( HVS) 1 £80 £80.00
Laboratory test ( STI PCR ) 1 £265 £265.00
Ablation of vulval condyloma + Vulval biopsy + Histology  Package 1 £1850 £1850.00

                                                                             Total                     £2395.00

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Private Gynaecologist London

Invoice M247

Item Qty Unit Price Net Amount
 Consultation with M A Khan











Cervical Punchbiopsy 1 £230 £230.00
Colposcopy 1 £370 £370.00
Invoice Total N/A £860.00
Amount paid (260+340) £600.00

                                                                             Total Due                    £260.00 

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